Wednesday, November 30, 2011

J-Diddy speaks (Summery)

What I've read so far has been very interesting, but not that good. It was very hard to follow and the way its written. Anyway there is a fire man named Montague and his job is not to put out fires but to make fires to burn down houses that has a book in it. Even if there is only one book in the house, he burns it. While coming home from work one night he runs into Clerissa a girl that he had thought to see before but he finally runs into her. She talks to him nonstop and finally he gets to leave her and head home.

Friday, November 18, 2011

J-Diddy speaks

Technology has influenced the world in so many ways. From working in high up businesses to just at home. The greatest invention that I think that has helped humanity is the light bulb. Thomas Edison was the one inventor that has devoted a lot of influence to the scientific community. Also, another contribution is guns. With guns we can hunt for food and also protect our own. Guns have evolved from just muskets and flint locks to Ak47's and 50 Calibers. With these technologies we have evolved and grown as a whole.